All of us have been at various stages of life where we have had questions that need answers.
This page will provide fresh resources, videos, and stories to encourage you on your road to recovery or discovery as we all work towards healthy bodies, souls, and spirits to help ourselves and others around us. We hope that these tools can offer you some help and encouragement.
** Notes: All our training tools & resources are free to use for personal educational purposes only.
ENM is NOT an emergency helpline. If you need immediate or emergency help, visit our page: Emergency Sources
Some Recommendations From ENM
Love Counseling
Written by the Founder of Encouragement Now Ministries, Kevin Phillips, who covers a variety of topics in his book; Love Counseling. He touches on subjects of parenting, deliverance, and family relationships, all to help inspire people to love each other by better understanding how relationships work. By combining stories from the Bible and modern-day commentary, this book provides a blueprint for all who want to have a positive impact on the people in their lives.
Coping Skills for Anxiety
Your thoughts have the power to change how you feel and anxiety has become more and more prevalent in our society today.
We here at ENM understand the need for coping skills that can teach us to find equilibrium during difficult times, so we created this guide for those moments.
Our in-depth curated resources are available to all members. If you would like access to forms like these, please see our Memberships
National Sexual Assault Hotline
If you or someone you know needs to reach out about sexual abuse or assault, RAINN is available 24/7 at 800-656-HOPE (4673), or online at
Dr. Billy Graham
The Battle Of The Mind – 15:10
The Battle To Control Your Mind (Part 1) – 12:28
The Battle To Control Your Mind (Part 2) – 11:13
The Cure For Anxiety – 16:27
Deliverance From Depression – 13:47
God’s Cure For Loneliness – 10:33

Dr. Caroline Leaf
Encouragement Now Ministries recommends Dr. Leaf’s “Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess” and Cognitive Neurosciences. Visit her website to review her Podcasts, do the 21-Day Mental Detox, or check out her resources.
Music Therapy
There are examples throughout the Bible of how music can have healing, soothing effects on people. One great example of this is found in 1 Samuel 16:15-23, David was called upon to play his harp for Saul because he was being tormented and needed relief that his advisors knew could only come from an anointed musician. Every time David played, Saul was able to find a modicum of comfort. We believe this playlist will bring you some peace today.