The General tossed the coin, and it was heads. The soldiers were full of confidence as they went into battle and executed their battle plan perfectly. The enemy army was taken aback by such a ferocious attack from the small army. Eventually, the small army won the battle and had a great victory.
After their battle, the Lieutenant said to the General, “As destiny showed us through the toss of your coin, we won the battle. No one can change that destiny”. The General smiled and showed the Lieutenant the coin, which had heads on both sides.
Moral of this story: Hope is like a light at the end of a dark tunnel. We can confidently travel the tunnel if we have faith, believe in ourselves, and trust that there will be light ahead. Hope on its own is useful and powerful, but when we put our hope in God who is the God of hope as Romans 15 says, it is not baseless or coercive like the story above, but our hope is founded on God’s truths and His love.
He will never disappoint us or lie to us the way human leaders may do. If our hope comes from God, faith in Him can only lead to positive results.