Episode 009: Introducing Boundaries

Posted on Categories:Control, Difficulty, Encouragement, Faith, Hope, Interpersonal Issues, Manipulation, Peace, Podcast, Struggle, Worth

Do you have good heathy boundaries in your life. We are going to introduce to you what boundaries are and how you can start implementing them.
With Laura Dahne, and Joseph Ferreira

Setting The Trajectory

Posted on Categories:Anxiety, Control, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Hope, Mental Health, Peace, Struggle, Worry, Worth

Setting The Trajectory

Kevin Phillips

Have you ever asked yourself, “where am I going in life, what’s my purpose, what do I want to accomplish, what kind of person do I want to be or become?” Growing up I always marveled at people who somehow inherently knew what they wanted to do in life. My daughter for example has known since she was in elementary school that she wanted to be an elementary school teacher. In high school I could never relate to other students who knew what they wanted to do and what they wanted to study in college. I felt like I was on the outside looking in. I didn’t understand why I had no idea what to do in life. It was so frustrating and at times I kind of felt like a loser. I really didn’t know that my calling was to be a therapist/counselor until my late 30’s, wow talk about a late bloomer. But after I reflected on this meandering way of settling upon a profession, I realized that all my frustrations and confusion and life experiences gave me the ability to become a better, more effective, real therapist that could relate to people. Then I started to realize that as individuals we need to set a trajectory for ourselves. If not, where are we flying to, where are we going, what do we stand for, what’s the purpose?

Soldiers Hope

Posted on Categories:Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Hope

Written by Kevin J. Phillips
Founder of Encouragement Now Ministries

“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

~ Helen Keller


Amid a vast forest, a battle was going on between two armies. One army was outnumbered, but the General of the smaller army decided to launch an attack because he was confident they could win the battle. 

He called his Lieutenant and told him to get their soldiers to prepare for a fight. The Lieutenant informed the soldiers about their plan of attack on the enemy army. The soldiers were ready to battle but had fears and doubts as they knew they were low in numbers compared to the enemy army. 

The day for battle came, and the General knew about the doubts of his soldiers, so when they were on the way to the battlefield, the General told all his soldiers to halt at a shrine for prayer. After the prayer, the General stood in front of his soldiers with a coin in hand and said, “With faith in destiny, I will now toss this coin, if it’s heads, we will win, and if its tails we will lose.”