Written by Kevin J. Phillips
Founder of Encouragement Now Ministries
“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”
~ Helen Keller
I remember playing sports growing up until I blew out my knee skating. At times we were losing and knew we were done for. But there were always a few team members who had unbelievable, never-give-up attitudes and radiated positivity. They always carried an aura of, “We can do this!”
No matter what the scoreboard read, they would come into the huddle and everyone started to feel better, and more confident. The impossible would feel possible. Within a few plays or a couple of good defensive stops, their can-do attitudes started to spread like wildfire to the other team members. All of a sudden, we had a rally going. We began scoring again. The more we scored, the more encouraged and energetic we got. I think about my team members a few decades later, and it still inspires me today.