On Our Lips And In Our Hearts
Did you know that fewer than half of adults read scripture? According to the Pew Research Center 35% of adults read the Bible at least once a week. 10% read once or twice a month. 8% read several times a year, and 45% seldom or never read the Bible. There are 1-2% that do not know how often they read the Bible. These percentages show that there is a large majority of people who rarely read the Bible, and it is safe to say that we are living in a time where the majority of all adults do not read or study the Bible.
In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, God told Joshua to be strong and very courageous; to carefully obey all the law He gave Moses; not to turn to the left or right; to keep the law on his lips; meditating on them day and night. God said that Joshua and the people will be prosperous and successful. When Joshua died and the Israelites entered the time of the Judges, they forgot God’s law. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes, and God’s favor and protection departed. There was no peace. Horrible things happened to the Israelites from both themselves and their enemies. Even though God raised up judges to save them from the hands of their enemies the people turned away from God. His words were not on their lips or in their hearts.
How many of us are walking through this life without the Word of God on our lips and in our hearts? We want to encourage you to make the scriptures a daily diet. Consume the Word of God, so that He can direct our lives, renew our minds, and give us peace.