Episode 014: Biblical Separation – Part 3

Posted on Categories:Anxiety, Control, Depression, Difficulty, Dispare, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Hope, Intimidation, Manipulation, Mental Health, Peace, Podcast, Struggle, Worry, Worth

Separation can protect you when you are in an unhealthy relationship. We are not called to be subjected to abuse especially when the Bible is being used to justify the other person’s actions. We are continuing a series on the concept of Biblical Separation and what it is and is not. In this episode we have audio from a Jimmy Evans (Marriage Today) video called “Constructive Separation”.

On Our Lips And In Our Hearts

Posted on Categories:Anxiety, Depression, Difficulty, Dispare, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Mental Health, Peace, Struggle, Worry, Worth

On Our Lips And In Our Hearts

Did you know that fewer than half of adults read scripture? According to the Pew Research Center 35% of adults read the Bible at least once a week. 10% read once or twice a month. 8% read several times a year, and 45% seldom or never read the Bible. There are 1-2% that do not know how often they read the Bible. These percentages show that there is a large majority of people who rarely read the Bible, and it is safe to say that we are living in a time where the majority of all adults do not read or study the Bible. 

In the book of Joshua, chapter 1, God told Joshua to be strong and very courageous; to carefully obey all the law He gave Moses; not to turn to the left or right; to keep the law on his lips; meditating on them day and night. God said that Joshua and the people will be prosperous and successful. When Joshua died and the Israelites entered the time of the Judges, they forgot God’s law. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes, and God’s favor and protection departed. There was no peace. Horrible things happened to the Israelites from both themselves and their enemies. Even though God raised up judges to save them from the hands of their enemies the people turned away from God. His words were not on their lips or in their hearts.

How many of us are walking through this life without the Word of God on our lips and in our hearts? We want to encourage you to make the scriptures a daily diet. Consume the Word of God, so that He can direct our lives, renew our minds, and give us peace. 

Brain Tired – Sleep Hygiene

Posted on Categories:Anxiety, Depression, Difficulty, Interpersonal Issues, Mental Health, Social Media, Struggle, Worry

Brain Tired – Sleep Hygiene

Kevin Phillips

People will often tell me how they have difficulty concentrating, how depressed they are, how angry they are and how they have anxiety. They go on to tell me how easily frustrated they become and how irritable they are and how they want to change. Sometimes people put pressure on me like they need me to come up with some wiz banger, re-invent the wheel concept or phenomenon that will cure all their problems. I understand the sentiment as I yearn to help but sometimes we can overthink and gloss over simple common-sense interventions that our grandparents seemed to inherently know about. Sometimes we get too complicated in seeking answers and we espouse that one has to be some kind of guru to find the answers. In my close to 20 years studying, observing and talking to thousands of patients about their struggles, I have discovered a profound trend. Sometimes our mental health difficulties can be diminished, ameliorated for and greatly improved by consistent, ongoing sleep quality and getting enough sleep. But there’s plenty to take away from our sleep quality: 1) work pressures 2) family squabbles 3) relationship friction 4) financial problems 5) Covid worries 5) the Russians attacking Ukraine and whether that war will spill over into other countries and whether our gas and food prices will go up 6) keeping up with social media and how good we look on Facebook and on and on. Oftentimes our phones, tablets and devices keep us looking at stuff even when we’re tired. We don’t get rest and rejuvenation anymore. When’s the last time we went a few hours without our cellphones? Studies have shown that if people for example continue to use their devices up until they go to sleep it takes their brain about two hours to reach the relaxation stages of sleep. So if you want to sleep better, quit using your electronic devices and phones about two hours before you desire to fall asleep and create other healthy and balanced bedtime routines like reading or talking or painting or writing or taking a soothing bath. We need to stop the merry-go-round, the hamster wheel and the rat race and chill. If we don’t learn to chill before we go to bed and relax our brains, we’ll continue to build anxiety into our lives and invite its cousin along for the ride – depression. Some of us may need a sleep aid to help us get into a routine of good sleep. I encourage you to talk to your pharmacist, doctor or family and friends to see what they use. Most of the sleep aids can be purchased over-the-counter although some may have to be prescribed by doctors or nurse practitioners. All of us make sure we’re doing our personal hygiene frequently so we smell better, are more healthy and to be honest to not offend our peers. Why don’t we consider working on our sleep hygiene more effectively so we can feel more alert, more mentally sharp, more emotionally in control, more calm and more resilient to handle the difficult world we live in? Sometimes we don’t have to seek far-flung cures, methods and fancy interventions, we just need more sleep! Sleep on it and see how you feel about it tomorrow

Choose Your Course

Posted on Categories:Anxiety, Control, Depression, Difficulty, Dispare, Fear, Grief, Interpersonal Issues, Intimidation, Manipulation, Rage, Struggle, Worry, Worth

Written by Kevin J. Phillips
Founder of Encouragement Now Ministries

“That’s what the Christian life is all about, isn’t it? Going, yet not knowing.

As followers of our Lord, we believe He leads us in a certain direction, or in pursuit of a precise goal.”

~ Charles R. Swindoll


Have you ever contemplated: “What is my life’s purpose? What do I want to accomplish, and who do I want to become?” I used to be in awe of folks who just knew what they wanted to do with their lives. For instance, my daughter has known she wanted to be a teacher ever since elementary school. But I was never able to connect with others who were certain about what they wanted to do or study in college.

I felt like an outsider, and that was frustrating since I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t know what to do with my life. Until I was in my late 30s, I had no idea I wanted to be a counselor. 

Yet, after giving it some thought, I saw that all of my struggles, difficulties, and experiences had prepared me to become a better, more capable counselor who could connect and relate to his patients. I concluded that each of us needs to determine our life course. 

Now, imagine for a moment that you are launching a rocket to the moon. Many engineers would be required to manage all the details for such a mission. Your job is to enter the correct coordinates for the rocket. If the coordinates are off by even 1/2 a degree, the mission would be a failure since that one mistake repeated over and over again would cause the rocket to veer and miss the moon by thousands of miles. Even a small mistake gets bigger the longer it goes uncorrected. To reach our goals or to achieve anything in life—we must have the proper trajectory set in place. But first, we must decide where we’re heading before setting the coordinates.


-What are your objectives and goals in life?-What sort of person do you want to be?
-What direction is your life currently going in, and does it need to change?